Apr 17, 2020

Rosewood Small Pet Toys to Avoid

Updated: Dec 20, 2020

We received someone else's order and got to see some of the products from Rosewood that we'd only ever before seen in photos. Although I was pleasantly surprised that the products were larger than I envisioned, I am sad to report that my suspicions were confirmed. There was so much unnecessary glue all over the toys, which can cause intestinal blockages and potentially be fatal to rabbits.

I wanted to write a bit more about the danger of glue but that will have to come later as I've seen so many stores recently start stocking these products and thought it important to warn about these toys in hopes of preventing them being bought and endangering more bunnies.

Please note this is not an exhaustive list.

Carrot Dream Catcher

Loofa Hoola

Corn Rattle Roller

Loofa Toss 'n' Treat Roller

Bunny Fun Tree